Saturday, July 29, 2006

Trophy Girl by Melani Blazer

Book Info:

Trophy Girl by Melani Blazer
ISBN: 1-59998-070-3
Length: Category
Price: $4.50
Genre: Romance/Red Hot!/Contemporary
Publication Date: July 11th, 2006
Purchase Link

I won a copy of this book a couple weeks ago. Read it, loved it, then got caught up in the Real World with house crap. I firmly now believe that I should just let JJ, JC, V, and all the other men handle all the remodeling while I lounge in the office and read. Okay so enough of that dream.

I could write a long drawn out summary here, but I won't because it'd give away half the fun of this story. What I will tell you about the book is that it involves a Nascar racedriver, Zander Torris, who by the way, drool worthy (and lickafuckable tossed in there for Jen and Nay). Molly is a Nurse practicioner at one of the camps sponsored by Zander, and upon their first meeting he insists she accompany him to a black tie function. This first 'date' spins into a whirlwind wonderful affair between the two while Zander and Molly both struggle with their feelings.

Trophy girl had everything; Excitement, love, roller coaster emotions, and fear. The fear of facing the past and changing your response to it. Molly and Zander are so well written, especially Zander and his conflicted emotions, sometimes I just wanted to give him a hug. Molly is a force to be reckoned with, If Zander wasn't taking No for an answer, Molly surely wasn't. She stood her ground and laid it all out and had the strength to follow through, even if it hurt. That is real LOVE.

And the sex--sizzling, scorching, hot, and a plethora of other words I could use that would fit.

So get off my blog and go read this book.

Thanks again for the copy Melani, and I apologize it too so long to get this review up. Hope its to your liking.


Blogger Melani Blazer said...

I think I wanna give you a hug! Thanks for posting a review, and it doesn't matter WHEN you did it. I'm just relieved you liked my story.

You've made my day :)

2:35 PM  
Blogger Kris said...

:) You are very welcome.

I posted it on MBAM for you as well.

7:17 PM  

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